EDGE 3 is Better Than Ever.
On December 1st, Pinnacle Architectural Lighting’s EDGE will take narrow aperture lighting to the next level. The EDGE 3 that you’ve come to know and love is now even better. Lengths to the 1/8” in both recessed and suspended, integrated shielding options, zero light leaks, and standard connectors.
Length As a standard, EDGE 3 is now available in lengths to the 1/8” in both recessed and suspended housings.
Shielding No more inserts. Lenses are formed to perfectly sculpt the light. Indirect shielding utilizes injection-molded refractors for precision.
Zero Light Leaks EDGE 3 now features an end cap with a ¼” overlay in to the fixture to compensate for lens expansion and contraction.
Straight EDGE Joint A revolutionary design that cinches extruded housings together. Adjust accordingly to create a truly straight run without light leaks.
Connectors Corners, X’s, and T’s are standard with EDGE 3. Create patterns that are unique to your space with a standard lead-time.